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Our services

In order to accomplish our mission, we offer four services. 


Health Conferences


One of the most influential men in history once said that lack of knowledge causes the peril of a people. This is also true for health. Our conferences aim to inform you about the diseases that cause the most deaths in North America, but more importantly, to give you the tools you need to avoid them and/or increase your chances of overcoming.


Health Consultations


We offer you an evaluation of your lifestyle habits in order to identify those that promote an environment conducive to the development of health problems. We provide you with personalized advice in nutrition and herbology as well as support in your journey towards a healthy lifestyle and better health.


Meal planning 


Following the study of your lifestyle assessment, you have the opportunity to have a menu plan that meets your needs and helps you achieve the goals you have set with your consultant.


Express Herbalist Workshop


Through workshops, you will discover goods made of multiple herbs and plants. You will learn how to make, and do, effective, simple and natural home remedies.

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